01484 842766

HGV drivers attempting to visit our site: please read the directions on our Contact page.
Scrap yard opening times: Mon to Fri: 8.00am - 4.30pm. Sat: 8.00am - 12.00pm.
Break times: 9.30am - 9.50am, 12.30pm - 1.00pm.

New 40 tonne Sennebogen 830E arrives

We took delivery of a new 40 tonne Sennebogen 830E. This machine with 17 metre reach and increased weight handling capacity is our largest scrap handler to date. Fitted with a heavy duty Sennebogen five tine grab this machine will make the job of loading and stockpiling much easier, the extra power makes it easier to break machinery down in to smaller pieces prior to further processing. The machine is manufactured with many environmentally friendly features including the latest version of the Cummins Euro 6 engine. For the operator there is a soundproofed air-conditioned cab with fantastic visibility which includes CCTV around the structure. This is the third generation of Sennebogen that we have owned with previous machines proving to be extremely robust and, because we maintain them to a high standard, they command excellent residual prices when we sell them. We always get Paul Turner Signs in to apply our company name etc. as it we think it’s a nice touch even though they are yard based.

J.B. Schofield & Sons Ltd

Greenhead, Linthwaite, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD7 5TS
T: 01484 842766
E: accounts@jbschofieldandsons.co.uk